Sunday, September 03, 2006

Models used in Online Teaching and Learning

I decided to research what models are used in online teaching and learning because I was a little perplexed as to when a course was defined an online class. According to a report sponsored by The Sloan Consortium, the difference between the models used in a face-to-face, hybrid, and an online course is the amount of content that is delivered online

A course is considered face-to-face if less than 30% of the content is delivered online. There are two models:

- Traditional - no online techology is used.
- Web facilitated – Up to 29% of the content is delivered online using web- based technology such as web pages or a course management system.

A course is considered hybrid (or blended) if 30 to 70% of the content is delivered online.
- Blended or hybrid, blends online and face-to-face delivery, but a substantial proportion of the content is delivered online.

A course is considered online if at least 80% of the content is delivered online. Typically there are no face-to-face meetings.

To further understand the models used online teaching and learning I went to Wikipedia to define the following terms:

E-learning - Also called CBT (computer based training). E-learning is a general term that relates to all training that is delivered with the assistance of a computer.

Learning Management System (LMS) = An online system that manages the delivery of self-paced, elearning courses.


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