Sunday, September 03, 2006

Emerging Trends in Online Learning

There are several current trends that will impact the introduction of new technologies in online learning. The following are trends identified by The Horizon Report:

  • Learners are willing to participate in the construction of knowledge
  • Open-source software development projects are becoming more widespread
  • Device manufacturers and software producers are producing products that are compatible.
  • Access to the Internet is increasing.
  • Technology is connecting people more easily, informally and on many different levels.
  • Content valued over format

The following are the six areas of technology that will come increasingly significant in teaching and learning over the next 5 years.

Extended Learning – These are hybrid courses where the classroom serves as a home base. There is an integration of online instruction, traditional instruction and study groups, all supported by a variety of communication tools such as instant messaging, blogs, RSS, wikis, cell phones, digital cameras, and iPods. These communication tools are already used by most students outside of class.

Ubiquitous Wireless – Connectivity is becoming more available and cost-effective. Communication tools, such as laptops, cell phones and handhelds can use this technology.

Intelligent Searching –Personal desktop search “bots”, custom tools that catalog and search collections, and specialized search interfaces such as Google Scholar allow an easier way to find and keep track of information.

Educational Gaming – New technologies are available to create complex, interactive environment. Knowledge can be applied across many subjects due to the multidisciplinary nature of games.

Social Networks and Knowledge Webs –A wiki, instant messaging and peer-to-peer videoconferencing, email distribution lists, telephone conference calls, and a blog all offer a means of facilitating teamwork and constructing knowledge.

Context-Aware Computing/Augmented Reality – Context-aware computing uses computer devices to interpret contextual information and use it to support decision-making and influence interactions. Augmented reality refers to a composite view made up of what the user is seeing along with a virtual scene generated by the computer that overlays additional information on the scene.

To view the full version of The Horizon Report, 2005 Edition, go to:


At 9:00 PM, Blogger Lisa Dawley, Ph.D. said...

I was glad to see you review this report, as emerging technologies and their pedagogical uses are such an exciting area to discuss. I'm curious how you are seeing these emerging trends in your own workplace, whether you are involved or curious about any of these trends, and if you see your job shifting as a result of emerging trends. :)

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Marol said...

Emerging Trends are taking place at our community college, for faculty, students and employees. A new department was created to help faculty incorporate multimedia into their courses. I am trying to bring the same level of education in for the employees at the college; though I am having a problem getting a delivery system for online training.


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