Saturday, September 30, 2006

Universal Design for Online Learning

Last Friday I went to a full day seminar offered by University of Central Florida and P-ADL (Partnership for the Advancement of Distributed Learning) on Universial Design; it was excellent. I would like to share some of the internet resources that will help us as online instructors create courses that will be accessible to all students.

1. This is a "must check it out" resource - Wave is a free, web-based tool to help Web developers make their Web content more accessible.
It is a quick way to evaluate the accessibility of your schools website. I checked Boise State's and I was surprised at how many errors and alerts I saw.

2. WebAIM has a number of resources that will be very helpful when you are in the development state of creating your online courses. They have a numb er of simulations: screen reader, low vision, WebAIM Dyslexia, and WebAIM Distractibility (I liked this one).

3. Vischeck has a simulation for color blindness.

4. University of Washington - DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) is a program that promotes the use of technology to maximize the independence, productivity and participation in education and employment.


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