Saturday, September 30, 2006

Converting a course from face-to-face to an online course

Can a course be moved without modification to an online environment. You have a syllabus, handouts, and you could even add your lectures as a word doc or a PowerPoint presentation, to be nicely placed in a "Lecture" area. What is the problem? Ko and Rossen summed it up best in their book, Teaching Online A Practical Guide , "If you simply post your lectures and syllabus on the Web, you haven't necessarily created a viable tool for your students. The missing element here is instructional design" (p45).

What is instructional design? According to knowledgerush, "Instructional design lays out a methodology, that if followed will facilitate the transfer of knowledge, skills and attitude to the recipient or acquirer of the training or instruction".

One of the most recognized instructional design approaches is ADDIE. ADDIE is an acronym for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate.

In addition to ADDIE, I found an excellent online course evaluation form at the Florida Gulf Coast University site that can be used as a checklist before you publish your course. You can download the form at:


At 5:33 AM, Blogger JensenBlog said...

I also found a good rubric for online courses in our list of resources. Rubric for Online Instruction

At California State University this rubric is used and encouraged by administration for faculty to either use it as a guideline when creating a course, using it to follow and gain public recognition or use it to "self-evaluate" and redesign your course.

At 9:07 PM, Blogger MarianneBuzan said...

I think that the concept of converting a face-to-face course to an online course is a daunting one for teachers with little to no technology experience. The idea of even putting the syllabus online could come across as overwhelming. This is why it is so important to help these teachers because if they don’t know what they are doing, then how can the student expect to do well. The Faculty Instructional Technology Center at
Middle Tennessee State University has some further information regarding this.


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