Saturday, October 07, 2006

I teach an online course that is very popular and our virtual campus wants to add a second section. We do not have any adjuncts in our discipline (except myself) who have either taken or taught an online class. At this point in time, they are very intimidated by the process.

In chapter 12 of Teaching Online A Practical Guide, team teaching was mentioned as a good way to speed up the production of course materials and other benefits such as one instructor handles the luctures while the other publishes backup material and replies to student inquiries on the discussion board.

I thought this would be a good way to teach instructors how to facilitate a blackboard class without all of the mistakes we all make in the beginning.

I researched the internet for articles, but I didn't find very many articles discussing team teaching in an online environment. I did find a good article at titled Team-Teaching and Team-Learning on a Global Scale:Insiders' Account of a Successful Experiment. This artical discussed using team teaching on a global scale. It is pretty exciting to think you could co-facilitate a class with someone in Russia and Egypt.

I also retrieved information on the internet from a book entitled The Digital University, that talked about using team teaching to mentor new faculty.

I think mentoring in this mannor is better than a 3 hour workshop looking at an empty blackboard shell taught by someone who has neither taken or taught a blackboard course.


At 7:07 PM, Blogger MarianneBuzan said...

Team teaching seems like a great idea. Other than the small chance of teachers clashing in teaching styles, it should help relieve some of the time pressure put on teachers. Also, the work can be divided into the strengths of each teacher involved. The students would probably enjoy this more too since there is more than one person to contact. Christine Lustik and Jennifer Sorensen of Western Wyoming Community College put a PowerPoint presentation together with a great deal of information regarding team teaching. This can be located at,%20Christine/Dividing%20the%20Distance.ppt#1. I hope this helps!

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Lisa Dawley, Ph.D. said...

Thank you so much for sharing the article on team teaching! While I have had graduate assistant support in online courses, I never team taught. This semester, we are preparing a new adjunct for spring by having her team teach with the instructor. In the spring, she'll take over her course. Also, I'm co-teaching Educational Gaming & Simulations with Jared Sheffield. I'm handling design mainly, and he's handling facilitation, with both of us having input into one another's work. I'm interested to see how it plays out. It's a great way for us to build our qualified instructor pool, as well as give some relief to instructors who are overloaded and need some support to provide a more effective teaching and learning experience for their students.


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