Saturday, October 14, 2006

Using Multimedia (7)

I try to create most of my online material. I direct my students to online resources that will supplement my presentations. In chapter 7 of Ko and Rossen's Teaching Online, A Practical Guide, they mention that if it is already available online, create a link to save time and effort. (and most importantly...ask permission). I did a little bit of researching and found great resources that I could use in my photography and digital imaging courses. The MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching website is a wonderful resource. I had visited this site about a year ago but I didn't see very many resources for my area. I highly suggest a visit to this site to see what others are offering in your discipline. I will need to end this post so I can see what is new. This is a great Best Practices site. I


At 3:25 PM, Blogger Lisa Dawley, Ph.D. said...

Thanks for bringing up this topic, Marilyn. I'm a big believer in integrating existing content to save time. I knew about Merlot but Creative Commons was a new reference for me--thanks Kate. The Research Channel and George Lucas Foundation have some good videos for integration, also.


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